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Monday, 11 January 2021

Find All Gujarat Primary Schools DISE Code


Find All Gujarat Primary Schools DISE Code

School Directory : Gujarat

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Steps to get your schools UDISE number : Step 1 : Open website in your browser. Step 2 : Find the tab / menu LOCATE SCHOOL near HOME menu. Step 3 : Click on it.You will see that there is a FORM with multiple fields.Simply you have to fill up these fields.

Important Link

Download All District school Dise Code : Click Here
Download All Gujarat Schools Dise Code : Click Here
Download pdf file : Click Here

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A unique UDISE code is given to every school that gets onboarded on the UDISE+ platform,with the school details captured through online DCF (Data Capture Form). The code acts as a unique identifier for all such recognized and unrecognized schools imparting formal education from pre-primary to XII, onboarded on UDISE+ platform.

The 11-digit UDISE code acts as a unique identifier for all the recognized and unrecognized schools imparting formal education from pre-primary to XII, onboarded on UDISE+ platform.
UDISE code is associated with school which has a lifecycle from opening to closure. UDISE code also follows the similar lifecycle. It has four stages:
1. UDISE code generation
2. Modification in school details
3. Change in UDISE status
4. Permanent Closure of School

UDISE code is permanent in nature and once assigned to a specific school, and the UDISE code becomes permanent for a school. The UDISE code can be changed manually by the centre only when the district or state of a school changes.
In the current UDISE+, UDISE code once generated shall be strictly allocated to single school only. Even in case of permanently closed schools, UDISE code would be archived.

Getting UDISE Code

Every school in the country is given a unique UDISE code. If a new school is established, the school needs to get a UDISE code for establishing their unique identity. School should undertake the following steps:
The school user should approach district MIS officer with requisite documentation especially recognition letter of the school. This is applicable for both recognized and unrecognized schools.
District MIS user will apply for UDISE code through the “School Directory Management” in the UDISE+ system and the request would flow to the state MIS user for approval
State MIS user will verify the application and request for any clarification to district level. State level user is the sole authority for approval of UDISE code generation for the school.
Once verification gets completed at state MIS level, the application is sent to Ministry of Education for UDISE code generation.
The UDISE code generation process takes approx. a week to get completed

What is National Toll Free Number for U-DISE?

The National Toll Free Number for Unified District Information System for Education (U-DISE) (1800-11-6200) is a call based facility provided by National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) to the users of U-DISE, researchers across the globe and MIS officials looking after U-DISE and MIS activities in the State, District, Block and cluster level.

Who are the users of National Toll Free Number for U-DISE?

MIS officials looking after U-DISE and MIS activities in the State, District, Block and cluster level. These users can use the Toll Free Number for any kind of queries related with the U-DISE software. They can use this Toll Free Number for queries related with DCF Printing, Initializing geographical entities like Districts, Blocks, Villages, Schools, Assembly/Parliamentary Constituency, Panchayat etc.

Researchers using U-DISE data for their research work. These users can use this Toll Free Number for queries related with issues in downloading the U-DISE data from the website They can also call on the Toll Free Number for getting the details about the processes available in the website

Public. These users can use this Toll Free Number for knowing the U-DISE code of any school covered under U-DISE. For the same they can also visit the website and find the school using Locate school option in the website. They can also call on the Toll Free Number for getting the details about the information about any school covered under the system U-DISE. Alternatively then can visit the website for the same.

Languages to be used in National Toll Free Number for U-DISE?

All the queries on the National Toll Free Number for U-DISE will be responded in Hindi or English.

Procedure to get U-DISE code for your school

The school who is not yet registered with U-DISE and is interested in getting U-DISE code has to visit to search the  school using "Locate School" option. 
Method 1:
Self registration for getting U-DISE code is now available through a web portal School Directory Management System (SDMS) . Using the portal schools can register themselves. This portal is intended for the schools where the Head Master should provide the school related details in case they have not been providing the data to the State Government under SSA and RMSA schemes or they are not covered under U-DISE. The U-DISE code will be generated after approval from Block/District MIS looking after U-DISE.

Method 2:
1. Visit the nearest Cluster Resource Centre - CRC (if you are aware of CRC) or visit the nearest Block Education Office (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - SSA or Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan - RMSA)

2. Fill the basic details about the school in the U-DISE Data Capture Format (DCF). Submit the filled in DCF to the Block MIS official looking after U-DISE. Click here to get the U-DISE Data Capture Format (DCF)... 

3. Block MIS will create the U-DISE code based on the authenticity of the School and its data submitted in the DCF.

4. District MIS official looking after U-DISE need to give his consent/approval for generating the U-DISE Code.

If you do not find your school in the website then you can also contact the given below officers in the respective states

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